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The Only Name Under Heaven

Jesus is the giver of life for those who love His name John 3:14-15. Apostle Peter said “there is no other name under heaven given to mankind by which we must be saved Acts 4:12. Peter wanted everyone to know that your salvation is only through the name of Jesus Christ, crucified and resurrected from the dead. The name of Jesus and who He is are inseparably linked. His name, and His power, authority, and personhood are one and the same. The name of Jesus is the most powerful name in existence. It is who He is.

The name Jesus comes from the Greek translation of the Hebrew name Yeshua, which means “Yeshua (the Lord) is Salvation.” When early Christians spoke the name of Jesus, they expressed their awareness that He was the Christ, the anointed Messiah, and worthy of reverence and devotion as the Son of God.

Every knee Will Bow at the Name Jesus 

Because of what Jesus did on the cross, God “highly exalted Him” and made “His name above all others”. “So that at the name of Jesus every knee should bow, in heaven and on earth and under the earth Philippians 2:8-11.


Matthew 1:21

God the Father assigned the role of salvation to His only begotten Son. He did this by sending Jesus to become flesh and live among us John 1:1–3, 14. God foreordained Him to pay the price for our sins through His death on the cross Romans 3:25; 5:9; 8:32; Hebrews 2:17; 1 John 4:10. He did this, so that those who believe in Him might have eternal life John 3:15. The name of Jesus, the power, authority, and person of Jesus, was given to man by God so we could be saved.

John 3:14-15

No man can confess that “Jesus is Lord who doesn’t have the Spirit of God” as David ,Thomas and Peter and others did. They willfully confessed publicly that Jesus was their Lord and Savior, their God. 1 Corinthians 12:3. Today, many who profess to be Christians can hardly speak the name Jesus, much less with reverence and gratitude Matthew 15:8

Jesus said whoever is ashamed of Him, He will be ashamed of them before God the Father Luke 9:26, Mark 8:38. Even if you can say “Lord Jesus and have cast out demons,”  but you don’t do God’s will; Jesus will say to you. “I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness Matthew 7:22. “The fearful and unbelievers will be cast into the lake of fire” Revelations 21:8.


We’re in times where hypocrites, liars and deceivers rule the world. They have infiltrated churches and the lives of non-believers and believers. Satan’s mission is to remove our Savior’s name, Jesus, from being spoken or remembered. No Jesus no salvation. There are a lot of folks who sit in church under false teaching who think they are going to heaven and have difficulty saying the name Jesus without shame. God knows our hearts and minds. He knows everything about everyone. God knew you before you were born and if you were going to be saved or not Jeremiah 1:5. God, the Father “knows the end from the beginning”, Isaiah 46:10, Matthew 24:36.

Remember, God has called believers out from the influence of sinners and warned us not to be named among them. “Bad company corrupts good character”, 1 Corinthians 15:33. We love them, but we love Jesus more. When you do, He will give you wisdom and discernment.  

Matthew 7:21

Pray in His Name

I loved my mother, but she was infested with demons. She only had a 6th grade education but a Master’s in manipulation, using lies and deceit. “God wasn’t fooled Galatians 6:7. I prayed, asking God about her and why she talks such evil about anyone, especially her own. The Holy Spirit said she’s a “destroyer”. I asked God; a destroyer of what? He said “she’s a destroyer of souls”, Ephesians 6:4. Some nurture and some destroy. She had unnatural facial manifestations that others have said, “she looks possessed”. By the power of His words He created all thingsPsalms 33:6. Satan influences man to destroy with words.

Along with her facial contortions, she used her words and limited vocabulary to lie, deceive and manipulate many, especially her own. Proverbs 18:21 tells us: “death and life are the power of the  tongue”. She could say church joyfully, but if she spoke the name our savior, Jesus, it was without reverence or feeling. Even demons knew and spoke His name with disdain Acts 19:15. God is looking for those that “believe in the name of His “only begotten Son”, not hypocrites John 3:18.

God is not Mocked

She went to church regularly; but it was a church that did not teach the truth of Christ nor lifted up His name, “Jesus”. They were greedy, corrupt and full of pride. ”Come as you are and stay as you are”, might have been their motto. They became a house of sin and “God hates sinPsalms 5:5. The same church had a pastor that was caught in adultry with a parishoner and allowed to continue preaching. For over a decade they tolerated a homosexual organist Leviticus 20:13, 1  Corinthians 6:9. They had a host of other sins, they love sin and sinners more than for the truth of Jesus Christ.

As God commanded us to honor our parents, My mother spoke the name Jesus rarely and when she did it was with carelessness, without love or reverence of who He is. She loved her church, but Jesus didn’t go to her church. She nor her church “esteemed Jesus, nor His name” John 3:14,15. They served their flesh, not the truth of God. God closed down that church and my mother died soon after. “It is appointed to men to die once then judgmentHebrews 9:27.

Truth Sets You Free

God commanded us to honor our parents, I did just that as long as she lived. I loved my mother, but thanks to God I was not deceived. I write this as a warning so that you will test the spirits, discern good from evil in light of the truth of the bible. Regadless of who they are. Evil appeals to the flesh, but God is a Spirit and appeals to the soul. When I was a child, I asked God for discernment and he supplied me. I overcame and survived the power of the devil and those he uses. I am a overcomer in Christ Jesus 1John 5:5. To this day I continue giving thanks to Lord Jesus Christ, seeking Him and His direction in all my ways. .

Satan is prowling around influencing and using people from all walks to do his bidding deteriorating your faith in Jesus Christ. God has given believers the Holy Spirit to open our eyes and hearts to the truth. Seek God. James tells us to “ask God for wisdom and He will give generouslyJames 1:5. God does not want us deceived or tricked out of your faith in Jesus Christ alone. Satan is strong in this generation, a generation where “they call good evil and evil good” Isaiah 5:20

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