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Marriage I do or I don’t

Believers considering marriage face a challenging time in this sexually charged world. To get married or not, is the question. In the bible, many men of God were not married. Daniel, Elijah, Paul are only a few bible prophets and apostles who were not married and celibate. Of course, there is Jesus who never married, and never called Mary “mother”.  

What Does the Bible Say About Marriage?

God created marriage. After Adam named all the animals, “God said it’s not good for man to be alone”. So He created a helpmate for him Genesis 2:18. God made marriage a union between man and woman, which Adam memorialized by saying “bone of my bones and flesh of my flesh” when he first saw Eve Genesis 2:23, Matthew 19:5,6. “The woman came from man, man wasn’t created for woman, but woman made for man” 1 Corinthians 11:8-9

God doesn’t want everyone to get married

Some folks say God wants everyone to be married, but that’s not true.  Jesus said some make themselves “celibate for the kingdom of heaven‘’ Matthew 19:12. Paul tells us celibacy is a gift from God 1 Corinthians 7:7. Throughout history kings and governments chose celibate individuals or eunuchs to be ambassadors, treasurers, bodyguards, and advisors, because of their faithfulness. In the kingdom of heaven all believers will be celibate.

Celibacy is a Gift 
Apostle Paul would like all single or widowed believers to be like himself celibate. He reminds us,  saying “each one has his own gift(s) from God ‘’ , celibacy is one gift given to a few. If you cannot contain your passions, then you should get married. For it is better to marry than to burn with passion.”  1 Corinthians 7:7,8.

Unmarried Single Widowed
Some view singleness as a curse or something is wrong. That is far from the truth; the bible says differently. Because of fornication, it is God’s will for most to get married, 1 Corinthians 7:2. Being single is a gift and a calling that belongs to a few. You can celibate if you are single, widowed, or divorced/separeted. Jesus said, “some do it for the Kingdom of God” Matthew 19:12. 

My Testimony

My Calling  
When I was 13, I had a conversation with my 2 best friends about who would get married first. When my turn came I blurted out, “before I get married I wanted to first know God”. In that instance, God said to me “don’t get married and I will have what I want”. I quickly and silently replied, “I could do that”. Afterwards, I got an after-school job and immediately purchased a KJV bible and Concordance and began my walk with God, a real journey to success. I knew then that I would never marry and I would know Him and it will be a lifelong journey. 

Resistance is Not Futile
Now I’m 62 and have been celibate my entire life. I call that my mark of honor to God. It has been by far the very best decision I have ever made; and He has given me an abundant and ever-growing knowledge of Him. It’s my calling. Celibacy is a gift v7 a gift God has given me, that until now I have only told a few; and that made it easier to accomplish. We’re supposed to “glorify God with our body, soul, and spirit.” Jesus purchased us at a price 1 Corinthians 6:20.

Rewards are Great

As a man, I had girlfriends, but I always maintained my celibacy. Resisting temptation brings God glory, increases your spiritual strength, and usefulness to God. It matters more to me what God thinks than what others think or satisfying my desires. The prophet Joseph, when tempted by his master’s wife to “lie down with her” he refused and ran away and was thrown into prison Genesis 39:7-22. Because of his decision to flee sexual immorality. God blessed Joseph greatly. God has commanded all believers to “flee fornication 1 Corinthians 6:18. Resistance is not futile, knowing God is worth more than all the riches ever created. 

Apostle Paul says, “if you’re married stay married if you’re not don’t get married”. Christians both then and even more now are “under persecutions and temptations” from the world and demonic influences. Having a wife and family only intensifies the forces opposed to faith in Christ. We are here, in this world, for a short time” compared to eternity. In eternity there is no marriage and in heaven there is only One family and that’s the Family of God 1 Corinthians 7:26-29.

1 Corinthians 7:31

Think different Know different 

When you know the plan of God for eternity, you realize that what goes on earth today won’t be remembered in the New Earth, Isaiah 65:17. Knowing the truth of God, you think differently and act accordingly. When you believe God you’re free to walk according to His plans for eternity and not chase after the world’s doctrine. We work for rewards!

Biblical wisdom reveals that when a believer is unmarried, he’s concerned about the things of the Lord and how to please Him. But a married man is anxious about worldly things, how to please his wife, and his interests are divided 1 Corinthians 7:32-35. “Finding a wife is a good thing” Proverbs 18:22. “But he who does not give in marriage does even better” 1 Corinthians 7:38. This is for the believers’ benefit, so that we may faithfully serve the Lord without distraction or anxiety building up the body of Christ.

The most important relationship you have is not with your spouse, child, friend or yourself;  but the most important relationship anyone can have is with our Lord. In the kingdom of heaven, there will no longer be marriages because our most important relationship is the one we have with Jesus Christ, who is the head of the body.

Discipline, Courage and Self Control

Throughout my life I have searched and studied the bible to show myself approved before God. I used to wonder why things always seem to work out for me, then I read Romans 8:28; “All things work together for good to those that love God and are called according to His purposes”. Hebrews 11:6 “He rewards those that diligently seek Him”, His words are life. 

Unmarried believers have less distractions, more time to serve and devote to God’s plan and look into His future plans for all things. While most folks are concerned with getting married, having children, worrying over the world and so forth. The more God can trust and use you in this world, the greater your rewards will be in the world to come. 

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