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Territorial Demons

What are territorial demons? They are demonic spirits that Satan has given specific territorial assignments. Their objective is to bring man into spiritual subjection to him, a.k.a. sin. Satan and his fallen angels are accomplishing this by deceiving and blinding the hearts and minds to the truth. He is the father of lies John 8:44. His fallen angels follow him and use the same weapons on man; because they work very well. Most people don’t believe Satan exists.

There are familar spirit mentioned in the bible. There is no direct evidence of territorial demons, however, there is plenty of circumstantial evidence. One of many names Satan has is “counterfeit”. Satan said in his heart, “I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God” and his rebellion in heaven begun Isaiah 14:13. He wants to be God, so he imitates God and he uses that skill to make wrong right and right wrong deceiving the world. 

Operation and Motive of the Enemy

As a counterfeit, Satan arranges his fallen angels like God’s holy angels’ in order to battle against them Isaiah 14:12-17. He gives his demons specific assignments in the various nations on earth. Soon he will produce a son called the antichrist, the beast Revelations 13:4. Like God, he assigns his demons to different nations, all with the same agenda to supplant the Kingdom of God. 

His operation mimics God’s operation. The difference is Satan’s goal is to blind and deceive everyone on earth. His demons infiltrate governments, institutions, churches and families or individuals. He influences the hearts and minds to win them over to his selfish, promiscuous and arrogant mindset. The world’s heart is set on greed, sexual abominations, lies, and deceit, all influenced by our enemy’.

Different tactics Same Results

What works in one culture or country will not work in another. Demons know their victims. We need to know the enemy. For example, in the United States we have mass shootings usually by individual kids. In South America, the danger from youth gang violence, some as young as 8, has surpassed drug violence. Youths in Africa and South Asia are kidnapped or forced into pseudo military by warlords to do their bidding.. The point is Satanic forces have infected the hearts and minds of youths around the globe.

Territorial Demons vs Archangel Michael

In Daniel chapter 10, an angel, described as a man, saying to Daniel; Michael the Archangel helped him overcome the spiritual Prince of Persia, a demon, but described as a man. Daniel 10:20 the angel warns Daniel that soon the “spiritual Prince of Greece’’, will join his Persian counterpart to make war upon Babylon.

Throughout scripture, God assigned angels to both nations and individuals; Matthew 18:10, Hebrews 1:14, Psalms 91:11-12. God appointed Michael the Archangel to stand guard over Israel Daniel 12:1. He and his angels battle Satan and his angels at the midpoint of the tribulation. Michael wins the battle, casts Satan out of heaven, and throws him to the earth Revelation 12:7-9

Man Possessed by Many Demons

We hear about young girls who cut themselves, called cutters. Cutters existed thousands of years ago, they were called demonically possessed. There was a Jewish man who was under the influence of many demons Mark 5:1-13. “Night and day he was always crying and cutting himself” Mark 5:5. It’s interesting to note when Jesus was exorcizing the man of his demons. The “demons begged Jesus not to send them out of the country” Mark 5:10. Why?

The demons that possesed that man were familar with Jewish culture, religion, and politics. While those invisible demons weren’t citizens they did know the people of Israel intimately. Their assignment was Israel and were sent to infiltrate, compromise then destroy. We can see from Daniel chapters 10-12 that the Gentile nations surrounding Israel had their demons manipulating them. All designed to destroy.  

Believers must know that there is a spiritual war and to take it seriously 1 Peter 5:8, souls are at stake, maybe yours. Our lives need to be focused on prayer and increasing your faith.

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