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Difference Between Knowing About Jesus and a Relationship with Jesus

There is a difference between a relationship with Jesus; and going to church, repeating the sinner’s prayer, baptism, taking communion, or going to Sunday school. You can do all the latter things and still not have a transformed life, some who call themselves Christian including some church leaders have proven this through their own corruption. It could be that some never received the Holy Spirit and only pay lip service to the name of Jesus Matthew 7:20-24.

Church Service

In times past Christian religion focused on participating in: going through a confirmation class,  joining a church or church attendance, etc. Performing church tasks doesn’t make a relationship or define faith in Jesus Christ. You can perform all kinds of acts of service and still not live a transformed life, and many church goers and church leaders have proven this through their corruption despite their religious actions. 

Bible Knowledge

Nowadays we see those who know and quote scripture and still not understand or know Jesus. It’s a relationship of spiritual intimacy between an all knowing, all powerful God and His children. It’s about understanding that EVERYTHING is about Jesus 1 Colossians 16-20. An intimacy with Jesus is understanding the fullness of who He is. The more of Jesus you know and hold onto the deeper your personal relationship with Christ will be. Knowing some verses while denying others not only creates false doctrines, it’s spiritual confusion for you. Jesus will say to some on Judgement day “get away from me I never knew youJohn 10:14.

True transformation begins from within, as Jesus and the New Testament makes very clear. That inward change begins with an interaction with God, who is first a Person, who we can engage with through Christ Jesus. When you truly believe; you will continue to grow in knowledge of who and what you believe. That’s how faith works. You just don’t say you believe and continue to walk in your sins. Christians are beginning to differentiate between a relationship and empty religion by asking, “Do you have a personal relationship with Jesus?” 

A personal encounter with Christ and the Father changes our hearts and minds, and by extension, our lives. As we build on our faith an inner transformation will result in our choosing different actions. We will produce spiritual fruit that is pleasing to God.

So, what is the difference between an empty religious tradition or head knowledge and a genuine relationship? Here are a few differences between knowing about Jesus and having a relationship with Jesus.


When we experience the revelation of Jesus through the Holy Spirit, it goes beyond mere intellectual knowledge or factual understanding. Instead, it involves a profound spiritual encounter that transforms hearts and minds. Only God can show us how all the pieces fit together.

Revelation by the Holy Spirit brings about a deep sense of conviction, understanding, and intimacy with Jesus. IHoly Spirit opens our eyes to the truth of who Jesus is. The Son of God, the Savior of the world, and the only source of eternal life. This revelation instills a sense of awe and reverence for Jesus. It compels us to respond in faith and surrender to His Lordship. 

Those Without a Relationship

There are those who say they are Christians and maybe they are. But, they have no respect or much less awe or reverence for Jesus. They ignore the Spirit of God in them; show it by their continued sin and don’t confess or repent. They heap loss upon loss on themselves on judgment day. Jesus “the Son of God” did not consider Himself equal to God and He called Him “Father” not by His name Philipians 2:6.  

Paul talks about this in 1 Corinthians 2:10-12But God has revealed them to us through His Spirit. For the Spirit searches all things, yes, the deep things of God. For what man knows the things of a man except the spirit of the man which is in him? Even so, no one knows the things of God except the Spirit of God. Now we have received, not the spirit of the world, but the Spirit who is from God, that we might know the things that have been freely given to us by God.

Paul explains how we can’t know anything about God through intellectualism or emotionalism. Just as we can’t know the inner heart of a man or woman without their self-revelation, we can’t know God unless he reveals Himself to us. 


All humans require two things to survive: intimacy and purpose. Just as we can’t know a person unless they reveal themselves. To know God requires a revelation from the Spirit leading to the intimacy with God that we desire. Humanity was created for this intimacy with God and had it in the garden. But through the Fall, we experience separation. We can read a book about a person, but we can’t be intimate with a book. You need to meet and know the person. 

We find this intimacy we long for through Christ. Jesus declared, “I am the way and the truth and the life. No one comes to the Father except through me” (John 14:6). Through a personal relationship with Jesus, we are brought into communion with the Father, experiencing the intimacy of a loving and transformative relationship.

Intimacy with the Father is the result of knowing Jesus as Lord and Savior. Through Jesus’ sacrificial death on the cross and subsequent resurrection, we’ve been reconciled to the Father and adopted into his family as beloved children (Ephesians 1:5). This intimate relationship is characterized by trust, love, and mutual fellowship as we come to know the Father’s heart and delight in his presence.

Knowing Jesus brings about transformation. As we abide in Jesus and his Word, the Holy Spirit empowers us to bear fruit reflecting God’s character (John 15:5). This intimate relationship with the Father shapes our identity, purpose, and destiny as we walk in obedience and alignment with His will.

Motivated by Love

While there are consequences for disobedience and even rewards for faithfulness, our ultimate motivation is now love; love for Jesus Christ as your Lord and God. Without a personal relationship with God, we can’t know him, much less love him. And if we’re to be transformed from within, love must also be our motivation. When you love God you obey Him, when you obey God you will know Him (1 John 2:3-6; 1 John 5:3).

Jesus Himself emphasized the importance of love in His teachings, declaring that the greatest commandments are to love God with all one’s heart, mind, and soul and to love one’s neighbor as oneself (Matthew 22:37-39). Through his life, death, and resurrection, Jesus demonstrated the depth of God’s love for us, sacrificially laying down his life for the redemption and reconciliation of mankind.

Living by obligation only gets us so far. Religious force or obligation is based on fear, not love. And God desires for us to live in his love. I do what I do for the Lord because I love Him. I want to please the object of my affection.

Once we encounter his love, we can respond to him with the same. It involves opening your heart to receive God’s love and grace, surrendering to his will, and allowing his love to transform every aspect of our lives, knowing he always desires the best for us. 

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