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How to (Agape) Love God

This generation is the generation of self love and love of the flesh. This is the kind of love that produces the sexual filth and perversions that are prevalent, tolerated and promoted, we see today. Unless you believe and know God, you are clueless to what agape love is; 1 John 4:8


We live in a culture where most believe they know more than God, giving minor consideration to God, who is love. Most Christians think that because they love their friends, spouse, and family, they are loving God. Unbelievers, evil men and atheists love their family and friends too. However, the truth is God commands that real true love is to love Him first as God. Loving God first and foremost identifies the believer as a child of God. Love is not just a word, but actions included 1 John 3:18. There are many fakes in the world, but hypocrites do not fool God.

God Calls Himself JEALOUS

We have a jealous God. Exodus 34:14 10 times God says about Himself “I am a jealous God”. Jesus tells us the first commandment is to love God with all your heart, mind, and soul. He doesn’t want us to love anyone above Him nor put anyone or anything before Him or even alongside Him. When you do, it’s called idolatry. If you love your spouse, friend, family or someone or something else more, then you are breaking the first commandment Mark 12:30-31. I know believers who lie and steal to please someone they love, hurting innocent folks and bringing shame to God. That’s why confession and repentance are necessary for a right relationship with God.

When You Love God

When you love God and His righteousness, you will be identifying yourself with Him. Your will have righteous actions that demonstrate His love through you to the world. When the believer loves God, he can be certain that “God works everything together for good” (Romans 8:28). The Christian who loves God first will persevere and overcome the world and sin. From the beginning, God showered His love on us and expects us to reciprocate that love into a relationship with Him.

Love For God in Action

When you love God with every fiber of your being, then you become a living sacrifice as Jesus sacrificed His life for us (Romans 12:1-2). The difference is Christ died for us; we reciprocate by living for Jesus. Crucify your affections by not conforming to worldly things and its values. We no longer abide by the standard of the world, but we abide by the spiritual standard of God’s righteousness. We no longer will walk in the fleshly desires. Born again people are to walk in the Spirit and produce actions worthy of Jesus Christ (Romans 8:5-6). A person who loves God above all other’s lives for Christ.

You Can Love God with Every Fiber of Our Being 

God is Spirit and God is love, therefore agape love is spiritual (John 4:24; 1 John 4:8). When we obey God through our born-again spirit, we demonstrate that we believe and love our invisible heavenly Father Romans 8:4-5. Jesus said if “we love Him we will obey Him” 1 John 5:2.  When we keep His commandments, we will be in the center of the love of God John 15:12. If you love God, He promises to “work all things together for good” Romans 8:28.    

When we were born again, we became supernatural spiritual beings in our decaying bodies, yet alive to God in the spirit. If alive to God, then we can and must put all our trust in Him to supply and keep all that we need. It is when we do not agape God first that problems arise Proverbs 3:4-5.

Where you will be in the future kingdom depends on your relationship with God in this world. Jesus sacrificed Himself to be in right standing with His Father. We must not  conform ourselves to this world but present our bodies as crucified and live by our born-again spirit to be in right standing with God (Romans 12:1-2; Romans 8:4).  

5 Habits To Practice to Loving God

Know God. Many say they love God but do not know God or spend time with Him learning what God wants from them. They use God like they use people. They treat God like a genie in a bottle. Spend time reading the scriptures, and prayer always in any and all circumstances.
1 John 2:3 “To know God is to obey God

Worship God. There are millions, if not billions, that worship and walk in the unrighteous ways of their dead relatives or some other idol. They call it love, but it’s not agape, it’s a selfish love of the flesh.
Luke 4:8 “Worship the Lord your God and serve Him only‘“

Praise God. The Psalms that so many read and quote are full of praise and worship to God, because He only is most worthy to be praised. King David was a man after Gods heart 1 Samuel 13:14.
Revelations 4:11 “Worthy are you, our Lord and God, to receive glory and honor and power, for you created all things, and by your will they existed and were created.”

Thank God For Good and the Bad. Some say thanks only for the good. Wisdom and understanding only come from God. God says to be thankful in all circumstances. Why? Our victories and greatest lessons are most often learned when we encounter trials and tribulations.
1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 “Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you.

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