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What is Filled With the Spirit

Being filled with the Spirit is the state of allowing the Spirit of God to occupy and control every part of life in the believer. The soul is in total submission to the born-again spirit. Being filled with the Spirit is submitting totally our heart, (Soul), and mind to the Holy Spirit (New Creation). It is a mindset, a state of being. It is not considering our feelings of inadequacy nor the wants and desires of our flesh.

Believers have the Holy Spirit living in us, but the Holy Spirit may not have all of us. The Holy Spirit comes to live in believers at the time of our salvation 2 Corinthians 1:22. What happens afterwards depends on our walk. Stephen gave himself wholly to the Spirit of God, leaving a name and actions that have remained and will forever.

Be filled with the Spirit  

Apostle Paul tells us to “be filled with the Spirit” in contrast to being “drunk with wine”. Being filled with the Spirit and constantly guided by Him is the state of being every believer should want and strive to be in. We can stir up the Spirit in yourself and other believers “by talking to one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, praising and making melody with your heart to the Lord”. Stirring up the Spirit of God in us requires a thankful heart; “giving thanks always for all things to God the Father in the name of our Lord Jesus ChristEphesians 5:18-20.

King David used psalms to stir up the Holy Spirit

Pentecost: Arrival of Holy Ghost

Just before they saw Jesus going up to heaven Acts 1:9-11; He reminded the apostles, “Not to depart from Jerusalem, but wait for the promise of the Father” Acts 1:4. A few days later, the 11 apostles gathered in a small room to celebrate, pray, and give thanks to God. They were of one mind. Then “suddenly the Holy Spirit came, making a sound coming from heaven like a rushing violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting”. This sound was the arrival of the promised Holy Spirit John 16:7. While they were stunned by the loud roar of the Holy Spirit, the spirit manifested itself as “tongues like flames and rested on each one of them”. 

At that very moment they all became “filled with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other tongues’’. Here the meaning of tongues is foreign languages. These men filled with the Spirit of God spoke in foreign languages in which they never learned Acts 2:1-6. When we wait on God, the Holy Spirit gives us everything we need to accomplish His will Philippians 4:19.

The Arrest

Later on, they arrested Peter and John and brought them before the rulers and high priest of Jerusalem for the crime of preaching the truth of Jesus Christ. But being filled with the Holy Ghost, they remained confident about what and who they believed. Instantly Peter with great courage and a rational mind, spoke as guided by the Spirit; “Peter, being filled with the Holy Spirit, Peter stood and said to the rulers and elders of Israel”. He went on to boldly testify gospel of

Jesus Christ to them; the council members were shocked and stunned at uneducated Peter Acts 4:8-13

Stephen Filled with the Spirit, Full of Faith, and Power

Stephen, a young man around 25 years old, was promoted to deacon in the early Jerusalem church. He was a faithful man, enthusiastic about Christ in knowledge. guiding, teaching, and preaching Jesus Christ everywhere he walked. Stephen “was a man full of faith and of the Holy SpiritActs 6:5. Empowered by the Holy Spirit, he showed wisdom in instructing and servicing the needs of the poor and elderly in the congregation. Stephen was inspired and courageous in preaching the truth of Jesus, even while being maligned by those around him. Being filled with knowledge of truth and faith “he did great wonders and miracles among the peopleActs 6:8; he was a man “full of faith” Acts 6:5;6:8;11:24.

Of course, when the unadulterated truth of Jesus is proclaimed you can expect passionate opposition. Jesus said “know they hated Me before they hated youJohn 15:18. Stephen met with plenty of haters, disputing the truth. “Some men challenged the gospel with Stephen. But they could not withstand the wisdom and the Spirit by which he spoke.” Acts 6:9-10. Like any believer who speaks the truth of Jesus, Stephen had plenty of haters. Demons will always see to that by influencing the ignorant or spiritually blind to tell lies and half truths about those who speak truth. Then they secretly instigated men to say; “We have heard him speak profane words against Moses and GodActs 6:11.

Lying Accusations

The people seized him and took him to the council of high priests and judges. Where his accusers were ready with their lying witnesses. After his accusers spoke, Stephen stood and gave an amazing fact filled Jewish history to the authorities Acts 7:1-50.
In his summation, he reminded his tradition filled accusers that God does not live in temples or churches. 

Stephen was strong and courageous also said “You stiff-necked people, uncircumcised in heart and ears! You always resist the Holy Spirit. As your fathers did Acts 7:51-53. He reminds them how they killed all of their prophets who warned and chastised them of their sins and the coming of Jesus. Darkness hates the light and always hates truth openly or in secret.

Even today those who feel convicted by the truth of God’s word; instead of repentance, may also have feelings of anger or hatred and will lash out against those who speak God’s truth. After Stephen’s astounding powerful Spirit filled speech before the rulers, his accusers were all “cut to their hearts”. “They became furious, grinding their teethActs 7:54. While his haters were doing the “anger thing”. Stephen, still being “full of the Holy Spirit, he gazed into heaven….and said, “Look! I see the heavens opened and the Son of Man standing at the right hand of God Acts 7:55-56

First Martyr

The priests and leaders covered their ears and shouted to drown him out. They dragged Stephen outside the city and there. ….“They stoned Stephen as he was calling on God, praying, “Lord Jesus, receive my spirit.” Then he knelt down and cried with a loud voice, “Lord, do not hold this sin against them.” Having said this, he fell asleep Acts 7:58-60. Stephen became the first martyr recorded in the Holy Scriptures. 

How to be Filled with the Spirit?

Some folks suggest that the filling of the Holy Spirit is an emotional experience that takes place at certain moments, but the concept of “filling” in Scripture is one of being controlled or throughly influenced by the Holy Spirit. Living a Spirit-filled life may include emotional or mountain-top experiences. Filled with the Spirit is a state of being one mind with the soul and Spirit. The soul given to and consumed by the authority of the Holy Spirit. it is a condition of your faith. Casting out all doubt about the power and will of God. 

If you are in a group of like-minded, humble, righteous and faithful men praying, singing and speaking to one another in love, can generate a Spirit filled condition. God resists the proud, deceitful, and greedy. A person filled with the Spirit will be one of great faith in Jesus Christ and will know and keep His words. He will be truthful without deceit and full of knowledge of God. Men who are Holy Ghost filled are not fearful of nor consider the opinions of the haters even to the cost of their own life.

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