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What are the Fruits of the Spirit?

The “fruits of the Spirit” is not the result of any effort we can make. Nor do we accquire them from our trying to be loving and good. The fruit of the Spirit has little to do with any labor believers can perform. It is a natural byproduct from walking in the Spirit. The fruit of the Spirit is the result of walking in obedience to the Holy Spirit, a believer cannot bear spiritual fruit without Jesus Christ John 15:4. Philippians 2:13 says, “for it is God who works in you, both to will and to work for his good pleasure.” By ourselves, we cannot do what pleases God Isaiah 64:6. But it is the Spirit of God in us that gives us everything we need to accomplish His will.

Jesus says “abide in me or be thrown into the fire” John 15:6

Only by continuing in Jesus, living in the Spirit can we produce spiritual fruit acceptable to God, as we grow in grace from knowledge of Jesus Christ. Maturing in knowledge of Jesus and the things of God is how the believer flourishes into a blossoming producer of much spiritual fruit  2 Peter 1:1-8. If we do not produce fruit then Jesus will say do away, I never knew you.

Growing spiritual fruit is the Work of the Holy Spirit

Hebrews 13:20-21 says, “Now may the God of peace … working in you to do what is well pleasing in His sight, through Jesus Christ. God accomplishes this as the Holy Spirit indwells believers, changing their character Philippians 1:6 and manifesting good “fruit.” Galatians 5:22-23 lists the characteristics of the fruits of the Spirits. When fruit is produced outside of Christ or by worldly people it is useless to God. Isaiah 64:6 says, “…all our righteous deeds are like filthy rags…

Spiritual FruitBiblical DefinitionScripture Reference
Love (charity, concern for others).God is Love 1Joh 4:8. The greatest command; Love God first and most. It is a choice to put others first and sacrifice ourselves for them.Mat, 22:37,39;
Eph 5:2;
Rom 5:8
Joy, inner sincere heart Joy not dependent upon circumstances. Rom 5:2;Psa 16:11;Rom 14:7
Peace quietness calmnessJesus the Great Mediator
Jesus the Prince of Peace
Mat 5:9;Jam 3:18;1 Tim 2:5
Patience or Long Suffering even under persecutionNot the ability to wait, but how we act while waiting (AMP)Rom 5:3,4;Eph 4:2
Goodness KindnessConsideration of others, generous, charitable.3 John 1:11;Gal 6:10
FaithfulnessBelief in Jesus. Receiving His word. Surrendering to His will.Heb 11:1;1 Cor 1:9;2 Thes 3:3
GentlenessHumbleness, humility. Both are rare qualities today. Opposite of pride and self promotion.Mat 23:12;Col 3:12;Jam 4:6
Self-Control, temperance, discipline The ability to control and restrain our passions and desires.1 Corinthians 9:25;  2 Peter 1:6
Galations 5:22-23

Fruit Production is Mandatory

Producing the fruit of the Spirit is not optional. Jesus counsels us to “bear fruit, more fruit, and even more fruitJohn 15:1-5. Even be filled with the spirit. Apostle Paul tells us to multiply the fruit of holiness Romans 6:22, “being filled with the fruit of righteousness, which are through Jesus Christ, to the glory and praise of GodPhilippians 1:11. As God’s children, “we are to be fruitful in every good work and increase in the knowledge of GodColossians 1:10. Finally, Psalm 92:14 tells us that Christians will bear spiritual fruit into their old age, stay fresh, and flourish.

Measuring fruits of the Spirit

God has given us a measuring stick of sorts to test our spiritual maturity. A mature plant produces fruit flowers as a sign that it is healthy and flourishing. Jesus tells us we cannot bear fruit unless you abide in Him John 15:4. Do not measure the amount of fruit because the fruit is produced and pruned by God. We are not to be “fruit inspectors” However, the spiritually mature can discern another’s fruit, but judgment belongs to God. “You will know them by their fruitMatthew 7:16. Look for the quality of fruit you produce both in your life and in the lives of those around you. You can check yourself and discern the actions of others by what they do when no one is looking James 1:22. God sees everything. 

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