Unclean Spirits

This week’s subject “Unclean spirits” begins a series about fallen angels or demonic forces. It’s not meant to scare or frighten anyone but to build up and edify you in Jesus Christ. As always, I pray it will bless you.

Mar 1:23,24  there was a man in their synagogue who had an unclean spirit. He cried out saying, leave us alone; what have we to do with You, Jesus of Nazareth? Have you come to destroy us? I know who you are—the Holy One of God!”

Demons recognized Jesus and of His power and authority

Unclean spirits is another name for demons Luk 4:33 or fallen angels Jud 1:6. All demons, familiar or unclean spirits promote their spiritual influence, leading to dominating then possessing the minds of people. Demons are the root cause of all physical and mental sickness suffered by humanity. It began with the lies and deceit of Satan in the garden causing the fall of man and all of creation became corrupted. The lies and deception continues Isa 14:12 When Jesus came He healed many who were sick, crippled, or tormented by unclean spirits. Joh 9, Mat 8:1-4, Mar 7:31-37 are only a few examples.  Demons knew who Jesus was, and of His power and authority Mat 28:18. Before Jesus ascended, He gave authority over demons and sickness to us who believe Mark 16:17,18.

Demons are All Around Us

There are dozens of scriptures about demons and those vexed with demonic spirits, yet in today’s church it is unspoken of, and some even fear the topic. Demons live among us thriving in darkness; they promote and trade in lies and deceit Joh 8:44. All designed to draw you away from seeking the truth of God, our only source for life. Demons are already victorious over those in the world. When believers fear, ignore, or deny the existence of demonic forces, the devil wins over them, too. There are some who beleive but are so laden down with sin, they are considered demonically infested.

Demons don’t have to hide, because their darkness has been willingly or ignorantly been allowed entry into lives and the world. They are free to influence, establish a foothold, and finally dominate the hearts and minds of the weak. We can see today churches have incorporated the doctrine of demons 1 Tim 4:1. You only have to look at the idolatrous holidays or the greed they have brought into their lives. When you deny what God has said, you are calling God a liar. God is not saying you shouldn’t see a doctor, but if you do, check in with Jesus before, during, and last. After all, it was Dr. Luke (a physician) and a  good friend of Apostle Paul who wrote by inspiration of the Holy Spirit, the Gospel of Luke and the book of Acts. “Know the truth to be freeJoh 8:32.

Be blessed!