The Unrepentant

Churches have been co-opted by greedy, foolish men and women. They have influenced congregations and changed biblical doctrine to fill their desire of material gain, Rom 16:17. Repeatedly, God has warned believers of false teachers and pastors. They deceive many silly people, those with little faith, or knowledge of truth Phil 3:19. They have not gone unnoticed by God; but God has reserved a special place for them, the ones who twist scripture and play with words to fit their own lusts appealing to the geedy needy and the weak. You probably know some like that, I do.  Have they influenced you and your family and friends? Rebuke them!

Tit 1:11  Their mouth you must stop, who subvert entire houses, teaching things not right; for the sake of ill gain

I knew a New York mortgage broker who lied and deceived hundreds of people into buying houses they couldn’t afford. All the while using the name of Jesus and bending scripture to gain their trust and money. He memorized bible verses but does not understand the will or plan of God. Spinning words of God to fill his pride and pocket.  He foolishly tried to steal one of my homes and continues to lie about it. Our government charged him with unpaid taxes, falsifying documents, and more; it’s all public record. You can’t trust him with worldly matters, how can you with the spiritual Luke 16:11

The church he belonged to closed its doors after existing for 200 years. They claimed a love ministry. It collapsed from its own greed, corruption, and mismanagement in a word SIN. They didn’t rebuke or reject sin. When a church doesn’t condemn sin, they become promoters of more sin and demons. You may tolerate sin but God doesn’t.

He’s been rebuked by many, including myself. I twice hung up the phone as he was talking like a reprobate. Like the devil he is full of pride and deception using bible verses to subdue and steal from those ignorant of the truth of God. Last I heard, this guy remains unrepentant without shame, boatsful, continuing to speak lies and deceit, maligning God’s word to fill his pride.  He’s fearful, full of pride, and greed and has no love of truth. His type is the one’s Jesus warned us about when speaking about the religious teachers in the last days. They talk and appear like sheep, but inside they are snakes and demons.

Mat 23:28 Even so you also outwardly appear righteous to men, but inside you are full of hypocrisy and lawlessness, Luk 11:39.
Rom 16:18 These people are not serving Jesus our Lord, but their own desires. By their smooth talk and flattering words they deceive the hearts of the unsuspecting.
Jesus will be here soon. Don’t be caught supporting anyone who doesn’t repent. If you do, he will spoil you and your house!

Be blessed!