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Sower and the Seed – Parable of the Soils 

The Parable of the “Sower and Seed” is found in all three synoptic gospels. It is a parable about different types of soil (hearts) responding to the gospel. You can read the parable in Matthew 13:3-9, or Mark 4:2-9, or Luke 8:4-8. Jesus interprets the parable in each gospel in Matthew 13:18-23, or Mark 4:13-20, or Luke 8:11-15.

In the parable, Jesus is the sower, the seed is the Gospel, and 4 types of soil represent the condition of mans heart . 

Sower and the Seeds

The Parable of the Sower is about a sower who scatters seed, which falls on four different types of ground. The hard ground “by the roadside” prevents the seed from sprouting at all, and the seed becomes food for birds. The stony ground provides enough soil for the seeds to begin to grow, but because there is “no depth of soil,” the plants do not take root and soon the sun withers it away. The thorny ground lets the seed grow a little, but the thorns choke the life out of the beneficial plants 1 Corinthians 5:11. The good ground receives the seed and produces much fruit Matthew 24:13.

Parable Synopsis

ParableMeaningSignificance for today
A man went out to sow grain. Mark 4:3The man represents God and the seed is His message.The word of God is planted in soil which is our hearts.
Some seed fell on the roadside and the birds ate it. Mark 4:4The birds represent Satan. The seed on the roadside are people who hear the message, but it is immediately lost.These are those who hear but allow the devil to steal it away from their hearts. They are not saved Luke 8:12.
Other seeds fell on rocky ground where there was little soil. The seed soon sprouted, but when the sun came up, it burnt the young plants. Mark 4:5-6The seed on the rocky ground represents people who initially responded with enthusiasm, but the word of God does not take root. When persecution or hard times (represented by the sun) come along, they give up.These folks believe for a while, and in time of testing, fall away. They are consumed with the love of the world. They suffer with worries and concerned with the opinion of others Luke 8:13
Some seed fell among thorn bushes and the thorns choked out the good plants Mark 4:7.The thorn bushes choke the truth of God. People’s concern for what they want and worldly desires and riches of this life causes the plants to die.They love the world and its riches. These are those who produce no fruit and are branches that are cut off and cast into the fire Matthew 13:22, Matthew 7:19.
Some seed fell on good soil and the plants produced good fruit Matthew 4:8.Good soil represents people who hear the message and live it out every day in their lives. These are the people who endure persecutions, tribulations, and sufferings, remaining dedicated to Jesus Christ until the end with unwavering faith.

Jesus explains the parable, emphasizing the 4 types of responses to the word of God.

Various Soil Types

Hard ground represents someone who has been hardened by sin; he hears but does not understand the Word, and Satan plucks the message away, keeping the heart dull and preventing the Word from making an impression. 

Stony ground A man of false faith will at first professes delight with the Word. However, his heart is not changed; and when trouble arises, his so-called faith quickly disappears. 

Thorny ground depicts one who seems to receive the Word, but whose heart is full of riches, pleasures, and lusts; the things of this world take his time and attention away from the Word, and he ends up having no time for it.

The Good Ground portrays the one who hears, believes, and receives the Word. They allow the Word to accomplish its result in his life until the end. This man is represented by the “good ground” is the only one of the four who is truly saved, because salvation’s proof is fruit (Matthew 7:20).

Purpose of the Parable of Soils 

Difference in the soils (hearts) is based on a person’s willingness to accept Jesus’ sown seed (Word of God). Jesus puts the responsibility for responding to the whole truth on the listeners. He states that some hearts will be hard, certain hearts stay shallow, certain hearts get crowded out, and only a few hearts are ready willing and able (Matthew 7:13-14).


The parable of the Sower and the Seed revealed that folks respond to the Word of God in different ways, with most of them eventually rejecting it. That is why the scripture says to endure to the end and work out your salvation with fear and trembling. At first, some hear the good news about Jesus Christ with enthusiasm and joy, but later they decide to have little to do with Him. You know the type; those who sat in church for years but poo-poo God’s words. They hear the word of God with disdain. Then there are those who hear, respond, and continue to believe in Jesus Christ. They are Christians. That is the message of the good soil. 

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