
Sanctification: set apart, made clean, holy. Sanctification is the process that all born again folks will go through until we are called home. We are “being sanctified by the Holy Spirit” in believers Romans 15:16. Sanctified isn’t something believers are, yet. It’s what we are becoming as we obey God and walk in His word. We are “called  saints” a word taken from sanctification 1 Corinthians 1:2, yet  saints are what believers are becoming. The Holy Spirit expects believers to cooperate with Him in His work of making us holy and acceptable to God the Father. God rewards us for our obedience. I call that a win-win situation.

Sanctification is the Will of God For Believers

Romans 8:29

We are being cleansed and made holy as we read God’s words and hold them in our hearts and minds. God the Spirit washes believers “by water with the word of God so that He can present you to Himself in splendor, without spot or wrinkle or any such thing, that you might be holy and without blemish”, Ephesians 5:26-27.

Sanctification is ongoing in believers as we read and believe His words. Our sanctification will be demonstrated by our actions as we obey God. .

Philipians 1:6

Set Yourself Apart

Today we see many Christians thinking and acting as part of the world, even cherishing their idols. That only leads to compromising your faith. Compromise your faith and lose your rewards. Jesus prayed that we set ourselves apart from the world, “ just as I am not of the world. Sanctify them in the truth; your word is truth. Although we are in the world, we are not part of the world John 17:16-18. As we study and believe Gods words, we are being changed into the image of his Son. 

By a single offering he has perfected for all time those who are being sanctified” Hebrews 10:14.

Our sanctification is “God’s will and that we abstain from sexual immorality  possess our bodies clean in sanctification and honor” 1 Thessalonians 4:3. Although we are surrounded by temptations from all sorts we must avoid them; especially the sins of sexual promiscuity and perversions. It’s God’s will that believers stay away from any and all sorts of sexual filth. I know of a church with a “love ministry” that tolerated a homosexual organist, a pastor caught in adultery and a host of other sins in the name of love. That’s not love for God. They were an abomination and God closed its doors forever. Avoid sin and resist temptation so that you don’t fall into sin and frustrate the will of God for you.

1 Thessalonian 4:3

Too many folks have little idea what God expects from them. You only need to read and believe the bible, the word of God to know truly what God expects of you. The words of God cleanses and purifies us. There are many false teachers and preachers and many more fake believers willing to lead astray anyone they can.

Practice Your Faith

Jesus’ character-image is what believers are being changed into. We are changed by building on our faith with high moral standards, and adding to that knowledge. Adding to knowledge, self-control, and to self-control, steadfastness, with godliness, and godliness with brotherly affection, and brotherly affection with love. If you practice these qualities and grow in them, God will richly reward you with an entrance into the eternal kingdom of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ 2 Peter 1:6-11.

I urge everyone great and small to purge himself of lies, deceit, stealing, fornication, and all uncleanliness. Then, “you will be a vessel of honor, sanctified, moreover you’ll be ready for Godly use, and prepared for every good work”  2 Thess 2:13.