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Pagan Holidays: Celebrate or Not

Pagan holidays are religious celebrations usually outside of what mainstream Christianity considers church holidays. However, many Christian celebrations were originally pagan celebrations which the Christians hijacked and perverted; bringing Christian beliefs into the hijacked holiday. Even Christmas is an incorporated pagan holiday. In light of today’s rapidly declining church attendance it behooves us to “prove all things; hold fast that which is good” 1 Thessalonians 5:21. The devil has deceived a large number of christians into paying time and tributes to things that don’t serve or give God the glory.

As we enter this holiday season, most people will become busy with the planning and preparations getting ready to celebrate the season’s events. As believers, we can choose to either take part in the celebrations or not. Some will entertain and enjoy the celebrations of the holidays. Other faithful folks will not. Either way, it is alright to honor and enjoy the day or not. ALL Things in Moderation. 

Keeping in mind these holidays are not days or events ordained by God, making them pagan holidays. The origin of our holidays are days the world has set aside marked as special days to be observed. They also stipulated how, when, and why they were to be observed. They glorified man and man’s accomplishments, not God. The god of this world has blinded the minds of the weak; the same has decreed the days the world now celebrates 2 Corinthians 4:4. In John 17:16 Jesus said we “are not of this world, even as I am not of the world”,  have that mind when deciding to celebrate or not.

Two Choices for the Believer

God does not leave us without clear guidance on handling these pagan hol(y)days. A man strong in faith and walking in the freedom that Christ has given him might enjoy the festivities of the holiday, all while giving thanks to God. In his enjoyment, he will conduct himself in a manner pleasing to God. A believer in celebration will not have a part in sinful behavior under any circumstances. That would bring shame to himself and our Lord.

Another man of God, also strong in faith, may choose not to take part in the celebrations as the holiday does not point to nor glorify God. He prefers to spend his time with things that glorify the Lord. Either way, both men of God are giving thanks and honor to Jesus. In all we do, we are to give thanks and praise to our heavenly Father.

 Give God All The Glory, He is Most Worthy

This holiday season let us be mindful of moderation. Remember, these holidays are pagan and worldly. They have many emotions associated with them. The devil uses our emotions and our desire to feel good to get us caught up and consumed by the spirit of the holiday or situation. The spirits incited by most holidays is vanity, greed, and pride. All are products of the enemy. We have seen the trampling of people and self-inflicted financial destruction of those over the materialism of Xmas. We have heard of drunkenness and fights breaking out over thanksgiving gatherings. Not to mention the New Year festivities of drunken debauchery and, worse.

Whether you celebrate or not the problem. If you are going to celebrate, do so by giving God the glory. He is most worthy of our praise and honor. He is the Great Almighty God creator of all things visible and invisible. When glorifying God, we are admitting His magnificence and power, giving Him honor.

You may think of idolatry as a sin of the Old Testament or part of some other religion. We do not confine idol worship to little trinkets, a golden calf, beads, or other images of worship. But idolatry is alive and thriving in 2022; just another sign of the time. Next topic: Modern day Idolatry

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