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New Earth – The Day of the Lord

God told the prophet Isaiah about the day of the Lord saying, “Look, I create a new heaven and a new earth, and the former things will not be remembered or come into mind.Isaiah 65:17. The inherited corruption of this earth will be wiped away, and created new Romans 8:20. A place where we won’t remember sin or unbelievers. 


After we are raptured and after the 1000 year rule of Christ with the saints Revelations 20:4; Satan will be thrown into the lake of fire with the beast and the false prophet, Revelations 20:10. Then the “great white throne judgment”, the final final judgment of all unbelievers occur v11. This is the resurrection and judgment of all the unbelievers. They will be judged and cast into the “lake of fire” eternally separated from God Revelations 20:15. Afterwards, God will create a new heaven and a new earth and we will not remember the old earth anymore Revelations 21:1-5.

Apostle John says:

Revelations 21:1

Picture a new earth without a sea and “no memory of the things past” Isaiah 65:17. Earth will probably have fresh-water, lakes and rivers, but no oceans. Earth without oceans dividing people makes for a united world in Christ. Without memory of sin or the unbelievers from this world, all things will be new, Revelations 21:5

While, Many details of the new universe are not told to us in the bible. The bible tells us how this present day heaven and earth will be destroyed. 

How will heaven and earth be made new

Peter prophesied saying; “the heavens will pass away with a great rushing noise, and the elements will melt with fervent heat; both the earth and the works that are in it will be burned up” 2 Peter 3:10. Try and imagine a heat so hot it will melt all the elements and even fire itself. Elements are atoms, the basic building block of everything we see, touch, taste, hear or smell. In 2 Peter 3:12, Peter said we are to:

This is not our world. The “present heaven and earth are being reserved for a fiery destruction” 2 Peter 3:7. Peter said until then, we’re to be like “foreigners in a strange land1 Peter 2:11.

Our newly created again planet will be the government of heaven with Jesus at the head. God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit will be the temple of God here; in the new Jerusalem that “comes down from heaven” Revelation 21:2,3. Presently “all things are being reconciled to Himself” and in the new heaven and earth “at the name Jesus, every knee will bow” Colossians 1:20, Philippians 2:10.

 A few of the eternal promises of the New Heaven and Earth. ALL Things Will Be NEW!

We have an amazing future we are supposed to keep our hope and eyes on.

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