Modern Day Idolatry

Modern day idolatry is alive and thriving in the world and in the lives of many believers. Yes, we have the Holy Spirit in us to warn and teach us all things. But because of doubt, blindness, and fear of being different, many have fallen into devoting themselves to idolatry. Our God will not force us to do anything against our will. He has written His laws in the hearts of believers Psalms 40:8. Have you hardened your heart to the will of God?

Idolatry is the worship or devotion to an image physical or imagined as god. Whatever you hold in your heart and mind alongside or larger than God is idol worship. It displeases Him tremendously.

Worship is giving great worth to or holding something in high esteem. Reverencing and adoring something highly is worship.

Modern idolatry is not only the worship of idols carved by hands, as in the Old Testament, but are idols or images that have set up fortresses in the hearts and minds of people. This makes modern day idolatry spiritual, but not the Spirit of God. The prophets warned Israel that demons inhabited their idols Leviticus 17:7

Are You Guilty of Idolatry?

When we devote time and resources on worthless celebrations, we risk participating in idolatry. Today, these idols have established a home in the heart and mind, where the Holy Spirit lives in believers. Biblical warnings against idolatry are ignored and now many so-called Christians walk as any other idolaters , blinded to and ignoring the word of God. “Little children, keep yourselves from idolsJohn 5:21.

Demons inhabit the idols that people give value to Deuteronomy 32:16,17, 1 Corinthians 10:20 . Demons are behind much of the over the top anticipation and celebration of pagan holidays. We have a jealous God. He wants our love and devotion before and above any and all others. We are called to be separate, “ come out from among them…and touch not any unclean thing2 Corinthians 6:17. Be pure and holy amid a perverted generation.

My friends, today’s believers have forgotten the first two commandments, or they are blind to the truth. 

Exodus 20:3-5

God is the same yesterday, today, and forever. When Jesus was asked what is the greatest commandment He replied;  

Matthew 22:36-37

Jesus stated absolutely that believers are to set our affections; thoughts and actions without dissimulation or hypocrisy and, above all others and anything, on God. Because churches have not kept His commandments, they grieve God. This is clearly evident by the state of Christianity today. I have been warning anyone who will listen. Jesus comes first, you second. These are the last days before the return of Jesus. It is time to wake up, when Jesus returns; He will be looking for those that love Him 2 Timothy 4:8.  1 cor 10:20

You may be guilty of idolatry if you:

  • Love or treasure anything or anyone more than God?
  • Do you prioritize something or someone before God?
  • Does anything bring you more pleasure than the things of God?
  • Do I place my identity in anything over my status as a child of God?
  • Do I look to anything or anyone to meet my needs instead of God?

Pride– self esteem in personal achievement or idolizing the achievements of others. Looking for comfort and boast in personal accomplishment and the admiration of others. Confidence in yourself, not Christ and the abilities He has given you. Today many sins are from “the pride of life” a tool of the devil 1 John 2:16. He has used that since the very beginning. It still works!

Financial Prosperity– Do you value and find security based on your finances, property or other things you have or desire as much or more than you value or look for in Jesus. Many today are concerned about economics. But do we put our faith and hope in the provision of the economy. stocks and bonds, or in God? “Seek first the kingdom of God and you will have what you needMatthew 6:33. You can’t take your money to the grave or heaven. 

Relationships, Family Friends –  Where your heart is, your treasure is found. Is there a relationship you value as much or more than your relationship with God? This generation talk and think relationships with their friends, family, or spouse is most important and replaces the prominence of their relationship with our Lord. Nope, God demands we love Him more than anyone else. Jesus said if you love your mother, father, brother or sister more than Him, you are not worthy Matthew 10:37.

Being in love is wonderful but when the object of our affection becomes as important as Jesus, you have made that person your idol. Spouses, parents, siblings, friends, even your children can become idols and have for some believers. When time with them becomes of such significance, or we sacrifice the things of God for them, they have replaced Christ in your life. I have seen and heard of folks that lie, steal and decieve because they love something or someone more than they love truth or righteousness. Is that you?

If you are blessed and accounted worthy to have entry into heaven, you will no longer be married nor get married. There is no marriage in heaven Luke 20:34-36. In heaven, all relationships are centered on the will of God in Christ and will be according to His perfect plan.

Career– Are you driven to be recognized? Is your job, your identity or your status symbol? Does your career bring you more satisfaction than your relationship with God? Do you identify more with what you do, more than a child of God? Everyone says they want the best for their family;  but the best gift you can give anyone is knowledge of the truth of God, in which is life. Or be a positive example of a child of God. Do you trust your employer to provide for your needs more than you trust God?

Sex- Today the sexual union has left the closed-door bedroom and hit the circus arena. Sex is for marriage between a man and a woman and a private display of their intimacy. God created man and woman and woman for man 1 Corinthinians 11:8-9. The enemy has deluded humanity into making women as men and the head of many households. The results are a world of feelings and emotions, the playground of demons. It has become a very sick world with men acting as women and women as men and much worse. Demons have inhabited the hearts and minds of many into the all out pursuit of sexual gratification to fulfill their emotional desires. The world has become a cesspool of fornication and all kinds of sexual perversions, even named in some churches.

The Religion of ABC

The many forms of idolatry practiced today is a list, too long to mention them all here. Of course, there are the idols of entertainment, social media, alcohol or drugs. What are the idols in your life? I lump all modern day idolatry into the new religion called A. B. C.. It is the religion that worships at the altar of “Anyone But Christ”, even practiced by some who call themselves Christians. Many churches have incorporated the A.B.C. beliefs into their services and messages. It’s another sign of the times we are in.

Believers know that you belong to God and all the world is under control of the evil one. … Little children, keep yourselves from idols. Amen.1 John 5:19,21. We live amongs them, but we are not to be part of them, separate yourselves from them. When Jesus returns where will He find you?

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