Love (Agape) is Not Blind

“Love is blind” sounds enticing and romantic but it’s not Godly love (agape); don’t be deceived. Those who follow the world’s philosophy say that love is blind. But, that is not true. Why? “God is love”, “God is truth”  and “God is light” God is not blind 1 John 4:8, 1 John 1:5, John 14:6. God will judge the world, believers included 2 Corinthians 5:10. A blind God cannot rule or judge righteously.

God is light 1 John 1:5 the children of God are to live and walk in the light, able to identify evil and avoid its consequences Ephesians 5:8-10. A life of godly love abides in the light of truth 1 John 3:18. The light from God sheds insight on our path ahead John 3:20-21. To abide in the light means to live in – to walk in – to be at home in – the light. You can walk in your flesh or in the light of Christ Ephesians 5:8-10. When we walk in the light then you will be able to discern what is darkness or those who walk in darkness. We love everyone in the light of the truth of God. Love God first, allow Him to be in charge of all circumstances. “Do not rely on your own understanding” and He will direct your steps Proverbs 3:5-6

Infatuation or Love

Agape love doesn’t close its eyes to reality. It sees both good and evil, Agape sees the truth because it is Truth. Too many Christians, wear blinders and masks covering or protecting the lies and avoiding the truth. Why? Fear, they fear truth or change (correction). God sees all He chastens and disciplines those He loves Hebrews 12:6-11. Too many marriages fail because the light of truth was not applied when they first met. Their love came from what they wanted to see and qualities they imagined, infatuation. When they break-up, the world’s philosophy calls it “falling out of love”. God calls it love in darkness. They were blinded and fooled by darkness. The truth always comes when you let God’s light of truth shine. 

Love without Truth is Blind

When we walk in the light of God we will love in both deed and truth; that is agape 1 John 3:18. When the short-lived passion or the admiration of infatuation wears off reality will set in. That’s a good time to pick yourself up and return to the light of truth so that your path will be illuminated. Then you will be able to discern evil from good and correct your path according to God’s way. It is only when we accept and receive the love of God that true Godly transformation occurs. 

Ephesians 5:8,10

First Love God’s Wisdom (be wise like serpents)

God has called us to love everyone, even those who practice sin and the most evil of persons. Jesus said we are to “be wise like serpents” Matthew 10:16. However, we dont mistake the evil for good. We don’t trust a liar, thief or murders, that would be foolish. At least not without repentance. God has given us His Spirit of light; use it. When we walk in the spirit and truth, we can discern and identify the evil and sinfulness in others and not be deceived by them John 16:13. When we walk in the spirit of truth and light, God will warn us and direct our steps. God has warned believers to be holy and abhor what is evil Proverbs 19:8

I’ve seen people love liars and thieves as if they didn’t lie and steal. They did because of family or friendly relationship. Godly love is to love in action and truth 1 John 3:18. In the long run that attitude of believing and loving the lie always spiritually harms the walk of the believer, as they will live out what they believe. A righteous believer loves the willful, unrepentant sinner, but recognizing him as a sinner. We don’t call evil good and good evil Isaiah 5:20. When Jesus was told to come see His family; Jesus replied “whoever does the will of God” is my family Mark 3:35.

Loving the Flesh

The love of man is selective and tentative. Men will readily love their family, friends and those that look and think like them, without consideration for the truth, righteousness and light of God. I have seen and heard many folks profess love and affection to unrighteousness and those who do them. I have seen many suffer, including myself because of their love for unrighteousness. God calls that loving the flesh or love for the world and its values. Those in the world have little to no love or use for the righteous man of God, “nor do they have the love of God” 1 John 2:15

When we love God above all, even ourselves, we will walk in His light and truth, able to discern the different spirits and still display love the person. We test spirits and don’t believe or trust every spirit we know or meet. These are perilous days trust in the Lord and walk circumspectly. Always be watchful.