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Listening to God

Are you listening to God? We are the spiritual children of God, and need spiritual food. …. “Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God” Mat 4:4.

Like newborn babies, crave pure spiritual milk, so that by it you may grow up in your salvation. 1 Peter 2:2. Spiritual milk is the word of God, the bible. A baby knows the sound of his mother’s voice by constantly being around it. To listen to God, believers need to know what the Spirit of God sounds like. We have two primary ways God speaks to believers.

The Holy Bible

The words of the bible are spirit and truth, to help us live the life of God John 6:63. Therefore, we need to become intimately familiar with the sound of God, His voice, His words, His truth. One way to do this is by reading and searching the Bible. Mixed with faith, patience, diligence and the Spirit of God will speak to you Hebrews 11:6. Believe what you read, you may not understand everything at first. Only believe, understanding will come.

The Holy Spirit 

In many ways, the Holy Spirit speaks to us. He speaks to us through dreams, situations, inspirations, other people, signs, and even audibly. When Jesus comes to rapture believers, our signal to look up will be a spiritual shout for us to come up to Him. “The Lord Himself will descend from heaven with a shout, with the voice of an archangel, and with the trumpet of God“ 1 Thessalonian 4:16. Most people will not hear or see anything. Are you listening? 

Read and Believe your Bible

Feed and nourish your soul with the word of God. This prepares your soul to hear God speaking to you. When we search and study the scriptures, we are opening up the communication link between your soul and spirit. The more truth of God you know and believe from His bible the more the Holy Spirit can reveal to you, growing you supernaturally spiritually. When we put down our own interpretation of things the clearer our spiritual ears can hear His voice and see the spiritual side. This is the beginning of spiritual discernment. 

Listening to God requires your Faith and Love for God

God rewards the diligent and patient. He delights in those who seek Him. Hebrews 11:6  When we obey God and work righteousness, our love for God is on display John 14:15. The children of God, love Him Proverbs 8:17. When you love Him, you listen, believe and obey.  

Be an Active Listener

Hearing is the perception of sound. Listening is actively hearing, paying attention to signs and sounds. Most believers will pray when they have a need and make their requests of Jesus. In any relationship, it is just as, if not more, important to be a good listener. “Your Father knows the things you need before you ask Him” Matthew 6:8. Prayer is to be done always at all times with thanksgiving Philippians 4:6. Prayer is a two-way communication. I strive to consider every moment I spend on earth that I am in His presence Colosians 3:17. It is a mindset. It is the frame of mind of someone that is presently expecting and listening for God. None of us are perfect, yet I continue. 

Prepare Your Soul to Listen to God

Practice meditating and thinking about things in heaven, not on worldly events. Heaven is where Jesus sits, and where we are in Christ. The believer’s life is spiritual. When we have that mind, we are setting up our souls to listen to the voice of God Colossians 3:1-3. Recall the times God has spoken to you or acted on your behalf, perhaps in a supernatural or unexplained way. Deuteronomy 8:2. Reflecting on the times when you prayed and events worked out for you will enhance your spiritual senses.

Many believers have strayed away from the word of God, their spiritual senses have become dulled. Their souls are malnourished and some are even starving for truth. This is the result from lack of prayer and bible reading. It happens when christians get caught up then consumed by the world’s pattern of thinking Romans 12:2

Church attendance down and church closings up; delivering the truth of God to the people has been severely impacted. Even those who attempt to worship Jesus are drowning in traditions and rudiments of religion. These are perilous times for the believer. The “falling away” from faith in Jesus Christ is ongoing. Have you become hard of hearing? Are you quenching the Holy Spirit?

Put on Your Spiritual Senses

Listening to God requires knowing the sound of His voice. The more familiar you are with His voice the clearer you will hear Him. His voice will sound like His written word the bible. If you really want to know what God sounds like, read and believe His inspired word the bible. 

Make listening to God a priority in your life. Be patient, prayerful, meditating and reflecting on Him and His word. Do not limit your listening to what you want to hear. When you stop limiting God, He will open up your spiritual eyes and ears. He may speak to you about something that is more important to His plan. God knows you better than you do. He is God. Do not limit Him with your human thinking. Be persistent, knowing that He is God, and he hears you. Faith in Him, trust Him, and obey Him. He is speaking to you. Only Listen.

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