God is Not Partial

It’s not keeping the royal law to “love our neighbor as yourself” when we are partial in judging others. Jesus commanded us to love our neighbor as yourself. God will judge the world righteously and deliver unbiased decisions without prejudiced. He expects the same from His followers James 2:9

God does not favor rich people over the poor or those in high positions above the lowly. “You shall not respect persons in judgment”, is what God repeatedly said to Moses, Joshua, and the kings of Israel 2Ch 19:7. If they have favorites, they are walking in sin. “No respect for persons” is how “Jesus the Righteous” will judge us all. The Apostles have repeated the same to believers for the last 2000 years. 

Apoatle Paul reminds us that God is not only our Father, but also judge. He has committed all judgement to the Son 1Peter 1:17. Jesus doesn’t judge according to race, creed, man or woman, rich or poor, wife or husband, son or daughter. He judges without partiality. We are responsible for every word we have spoken , we will accountable. God will judge every action we’ve done in the body. God will test our acrions by fire, checking the quality.

If our work survives we will have a reward; if not we will suffer loss 1Cor 3:12-15. When believers have used their words or actions to abuse, in lies and deceit, to steal, kill and destroy, they will lose their rewards and risk condemnation at our judgement. God knows the secrets of the heart Psa 44:21. If we speak truth without guile and have good works; doing the will of God without our own selfish gain, we will have rewards when standing before Jesus Christ. 

God will is for believers to be like Him: “Righteous and Impartial”

Many people today hold to a watered-down gospel that does away with the need for repentance. Today christians want to believe in a “loving” (nonjudgmental) God who never mentions sin. A life without chastisement or rebuking and a God who requires no change in their thinking. They say things like, “My God would never send a person to hell.” Jesus spoke more about hell than He did about heaven, and He presented Himself as the Savior who offers the only means of going to heaven John 14:6. God does not wink and smile at sin, excusing it; God does not change, and He does not show partiality Mal 3:6. Whatever you do it as though you were doing it for the Lord. “He who does wrong will be paid for the wrong which he did, and there is no respect of persons” Col 3:25.
Be blessed!


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