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Jesus Taught More About Hell than Heaven

Many folks have said Jesus taught more about hell than he taught about heaven. Why is that? In this generation, if you talk about hell, the penalty for sin, repentance, judgment, punishment; they will call you evil, hateful, judgmental, and unloving. Truth is Jesus is love, and He spoke often on these very topics.

Not mentioning hell and punishment is a 20th century phenomenon that only proves the enemy has gained control of church doctrine and the world. In times past, most preachers taught on all the things Jesus taught, eternal damnation included. Today it’s quite the opposite.

End Times

Paul told Timothy that the “time will come when they will not endure sound doctrine”; they will only want to hear pleasing things. They will “accumulate for themselves teachers to satisfy their own desires” and to support the errors they hold (2 Timothy 4:3). Today’s churchgoers don’t want the truth of the gospel that challenges them. They want to feel good about themselves as they walk in their sins. That doesn’t make them born-again; they’re like the Pharisees and Sadducees, whom Jesus constantly condemned as fakes and frauds (Matthew 23).

Direct Reference to Hell
Indirect Reference to Hell

Warning Warning Warning

Jesus warned His disciples and followers of the consequences of sin, hell. Christians who don’t want to hear the full counsel of God are usually guilty of many sins themselves. Or much worse, they don’t know because their false teachers have not taught them the whole gospel message. Ignorance is not an excuse with God (John 1:9) and (Romans 1:19).


After careful research I discovered that Jesus didn’t speak more about hell or eternal damnation than heaven. But the numbers are very close. I’ve found a little over 150 times Jesus spoke about heaven and almost 145 times He spoke about hell and damnation of eternal fire.

It’s Ridiculous

It is ridiculous not to warn people about hell or the consequences of sin. Deceitful teachers have perverted the message of hellfire to be judgmental, unloving, and hateful. Those who say that are the ignorant and “false prophets and teachers” the Bible warns us about (2 Peter 2:1). The truth is, it’s LOVING to teach both heaven and hell. Not receiving Jesus has eternal consequences that is why Jesus taught so much about eternal damnation.

If people are heading off a steep cliff, the worst thing you can do is say nothing and look the other way. Jesus did the opposite. He warned people! Like the Pharisees and Sadducees of His day. Today churches are filled with self loving hypocrites (2 Timothhy 3:2). They are going to hell and taking many congregants with them through their false teachings.

Preaching Truth

Today’s  ministers will only speak of God’s grace, mercy, forgiveness, love, and all the things God wants to do for them. They are from the school of “health and wealth” or “prosperity preachers”. Those who taught the prosperity gospel are the “ravenous wolves” spoken of in (Matthew 7:15). They are leading today’s church into apostasy. Beware those ministers have morphed into the hyper-grace messengers (sin is ok becasue we are under grace). They twist the truth into a lie with their words.

But Jesus had much to say about God’s justice, holiness, wrath, judgment and punishment and how we are to serve God with our lives. Few church sermons will even mention those topics. There is no profit in speaking about those things. 

Today, most preachers fail to teach all that Jesus spoke about. They cherry pick to soothe their audience’s ears and to keep the money rolling in. This will cause many to never coming to knowledge of the truth of salvation; yet think they have. This is death. It may be your church’s fault, but it’s your responsibility to know the whole truth. Your eternal destiny is on the line.

Jesus was a Loving Teacher

Jesus taught on both heaven and hell. He discussed the “narrow gate” that leads to life, and the Wide Gate that leads to destruction (Matthew 7:13-14)

If you talk about hell or eternal damnation people will say “that’s not very loving! How can you tell people they’re going to hell? Or they will say only a terrible person would say people are going to spend eternity suffering!”. But I say and God agrees; how can you be loving if you don’t tell people about the consequences of sin? If you don’t, you don’t love God, man, or truth. 

    Jesus’s Direct References to Hell

Jesus’s Indirect References to Hell

Jesus also spoke about hell indirectly. This means, He talked about hell but used other words such as destruction, fire, furnace, darkness, etc. Here are the indirect references:

Love Mandates Warning
The real question is, How could you not tell people about hell?

The Catholic Church made up the idea of Purgatory, a of middle ground between heaven and hell. There’s a tendency in most folks to want to bridge the gap between these two completely different destinations. But Jesus is clear and the bible is clear that there’s no middle ground.

We either face the comfort of heaven like Lazarus, or the torment the Rich Man experienced Luke 16:19-31. There is no middle ground.

If you read this and you’ve never surrendered your life to Christ, you need to know you’re heading off that cliff. You’re embracing the torment and woes Jesus lovingly discussed in an effort to warn you.

If you have any concern at all about whether the blessings or woes are for you, I’d consider it a privilege to hear from you. I’d appreciate the opportunity to answer any questions you have and pray for you!

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