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Jesus Never called Mary Mother

Why does Jesus call Mary, His mother, Woman? Mary, as a virgin, gave birth to Jesus; Mary was His mother. Archangel Gabriel was sent to Mary, who was a virgin and engaged to marry Joseph. He spoke to her, saying, “Do not be afraid, Mary, for you have found favor with God. And behold, you will conceive in your womb and bring forth a Son, and will call His name Jesus

There are several ways to correctly understand why He called Mary, “Woman”. Let’s take a look at 3 of them. Throughout scripture Jesus talks many times about fathers and mothers but never called Mary, mother, twice calling her “Woman”. 

Bible definition of woman:

The first time was just before Jesus did His first recorded miracle. While attending a wedding ceremony Mary tells Jesus that the host has run out of wine. In John 2:4 Jesus responded to Mary,  “Woman, what does this have to do with me? My hour has not yet come.” 

It was not a sign of disrespect. Jesus kept all the commandments, including the 5th commandment “honor your mother and father”. Woman was a name coinciding with Mary being the “most favored among all womenLuke 1:28. Also, woman was the name Adam gave his helpmate, the first woman. She was made from man, she was pure and sacred before the fall, Genesis 2:23. After the fall, “Adam called his wife’s name Eve”. Making Eve the first human to have a name change. “Woman” is a greater name than Eve because it was her name before she sinned.

First Prophecy

In the first recorded prophecy (Gen 3:15) the identity of the woman with a seed was unknown; until Gabriel spoke to Mary revealing the woman from the prophecy. The woman with the seed of the Savior of the world. When God cursed Satan, He said;

Mary was the woman prophesied about 4000 years before she was born. Women have eggs, seeds always come from men, as per God. When Mary asked the Archangel Gabriel “how can she have a child, as she was a virgin”. Gabriel replied, “The Holy Spirit will come on you, and the power of the Highest will overshadow you” Luke 1:35. Mary’s seed was the Holy Spirit.

Jesus could have used the word mother when speaking to Mary at the wedding, but by calling her ‘woman’, He connected her to His prophesied arrival in Genesis 3:15. Eve introduced sin and death to Adam. Mary introduced Jesus and life.

Jesus on the cross

When Jesus was being crucified, He again addressed Mary as “Woman”. It was done with honor, great tenderness, and concern for her future. When Jesus saw His mother, and the disciple whom He loved standing by, He said to His mother,Woman, behold your son! John 19:26. Jesus said to Apostle John, ”behold your mother” telling him to take care of Mary as His mother.

Some might say Jesus was impolite or ill-mannered. That’s because they judge without understanding who Jesus is and who they are in Jesus Christ. They are mindful of their flesh and feelings, not having a full knowledge of Christ. Jesus knew who He was and what He came to earth to do. By using woman instead of mother, it was intended to show a distance between Mary, who gave birth to His flesh and His deity, which He had before the beginning of time. He came to do the will of God our Father  

   Jesus was all about His Father’s business

Mary knew from her encounter with Archangel Gabriel who Jesus was. She watched Him grow and Jesus gave her signs as to His nature. When Jesus was 12 years old, Mary and Joseph traveled to Jerusalem for the Passover feast. After several feast days, Mary and Joseph realized they lost Jesus and went searching for Him. They found 12-year-old Jesus in the temple in discussion with doctors about the things of God Luke 2:45-47. Mary explained to Jesus that she and Joseph were worried and looked for Him for 3 days. Jesus replied, “Why did you seek Me? Do you not know that I must be about My Father’s business” Luke 2:49? We must keep in mind that God the Son came to do the will of Him that sent Him.

Jesus will judge the world. He is the righteous Judge who will judge every person who ever lived. That includes the apostles, Mary, believers and unbelievers 2 Timothy 4:8. Everyone will be judged by the righteousness of God without favoritism, not the righteousness of man Romans 2:11. Mary, highly favored, gave birth to the Savior of the world, was still human like us and from all reports, lived a highly favored and blessed life. “Well done, good and faithful servant”. Some religions worship and pray to Mary or other saints, but that is unscriptural. The bible says we are to pray only to God. 

Heavenly Judgment

In the Kingdom, all resurrected believers will make up the body of Jesus Christ, also called the church 1 Corinthians 12:27. At the judgment, we each will receive or lose rewards and positional assignments according to the works you have done 1 Corinthians 3:13-15. Our position in the body will be determined by a trial by fire. Our works will either burn or survive. Mary believed and obeyed God and walked accordingly, her reward will be great! Not because she gave birth to Jesus, but because she believed, she obeyed truthfully, and she continued throughout the remainder of her time on earth. Mary knew how to listen to Jesus.

When Jesus was told that His mother and brothers wanted to speak to Him, Jesus said,

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