Is Eternal Damnation Real?

Some folks believe there is no hell or think everyone goes to heaven. Some ask, how can a loving God send people to eternal damnation? I love and trust God with my life, so I believe what He says in the holy bible, Matthew 22:36-37. Hell is as real as death. God’s elect don’t have to fear hell or death Romans 8:28-30

Les Feldick from, “Through the Bible”, would say his faith is; “if God said it, I believe it”. You may not immediately understand the words of God, but by reading the scripture, seeking Him, and praying to God, He will give you understanding. Be sincere and patient. God is in charge, “God’s ways are not your ways, His thoughts are not your thoughts Isaiah 55:8-9.

Your Eternal Soul is Not Yours

This generation has a human view of God’s love, “God’s way is not man’s way”. Those who reject the idea of eternal damnation do so because they find it hard to believe that a loving God would send people to a place of torture for eternity. When “God blew the breath of life” into Adam, Adam became a “living soul Genesis 2:7. Adam’s soul, and the soul of every human, is forever. What we forget is that “all souls belong to God” Ezekiel 18:4. The souls that reject Jesus will be cast into the “lake of fire” with the fallen angels, eternally separated from God Revelations 20:15. It’s our flesh that dies 1 Peter 1:24. The soul of the righteous will receive eternal life with new bodies, Phillipians 3:21.

God’s love does not negate His justice, His righteousness, His holiness, or His judgment. If He did, He wouldn’t be God. God’s grace will not prevent those who served themselves from being cast into the lake of fire. Neither does His justice negate His love. God’s love has provided the way to escape His wrath; the sacrifice of Jesus Christ on the cross John 3:16-18

Hell should be very scary and will last forever. It will be eternal spiritual torment of the soul. It is the place of judgment originally created for the devil and his fallen angels Matthew 25:41.

God did “not spare the angels who sinned but bound them in chains in darkness Jude 1:6, 2 Peter 2:4. God will throw the angels who sinned into the lake of fire alongside the unbelievers.. Revelations 20:15. We may not fully understand this, but I know I don’t want to be there.

What’s Eternal Damnation?

In Mark 3:29, “eternal damnation” refers to hell, a place with “weeping and gnashing of teeth” Matthew 8:12; 13:42, 50; Luke 13:28. Following the final judgment, those in hell and hell itself will be thrown “into the lake of fire” for eternal torture Revelations 20:14. Hell is not an imaginary place, and is not a allegory of life without God. Hell is as real as death. It’s where unrepentant sinners will spend eternity and receive their just reward, eternal punishment Acts 17:31

The punishment of the wicked in hell is described throughout Scripture as “eternal fire Matthew 25:41, “unquenchable fire Matthew 3:12, “shame and everlasting contempt Daniel 12:2, a place where “the fire is not quenched Mark 9:44-49, a place of “torment” and “fire Luke 16:23-24, “everlasting destruction 2 Thessalonians 1:9, a place where “smoke of torment rises forever and ever Revelation 14:10-11, and a “lake of burning sulfur” where the wicked are “tormented day and night forever and ever” Revelation 20:10.

Torture of the wicked in hell will never endi like the joy of the righteous in heaven, will never end. Jesus said that punishment in hell is just as everlasting as eternal life in Him Matthew 25:46. Heaven is real and Hell is real. Hell is a place of torment and punishment that will last forever, without end.