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Discern The Time

We’re in the last generation instead of focusing on worthless things we need to discern the times. Lack of spiritual discernment allows false teachers and believers to enter and influence your relationship with God. Spiritual discernment can recognize those with deceitful, lying, greedy fornicating, homosexual spirits (thinking). They will influence then corrupt you if you get too close. Discernment can identify and give warning, giving you the opportunity to move away. 

You Can’t Defeat the Enemy If You Can’t See him

Some folks only believe what they see. They have no discernment and can’t understand the things of God. Same goes for those who doubt God. Satan has “blinded the minds of unbelievers” and those with weak faith 2 Corinthians 4:4. God must shed light on them to enable them to understand the truth. It is impossible to attain wisdom without God. He gives discernment or takes it away Job 12:19-21.

Often listening and watching folks with an eye toward the things of God will often indicate what sort of spirit they are. People will betray themselves and not be consistent; their words don’t match their actions. When you know and believe God and walk righteously, you are on the way to spiritual discernment. 

We Learn to be Spiritually Discernment By Knowing Jesus.

Knowledge and education have its place, and it is not wrong to use reason and logic to solve problems. We cannot attain spiritual discernment through reason and logic. The believer obtains spiritual discernment from the revelation of Jesus Christ; and then enhances it by training in righteousness and prayerHebrews 5:14, Philippians 1:9. Hebrews 5:11-14 shows how spiritual discernment is developed.

The writer speaks to those who had become “dull of hearing,” meaning they had fallen out of practice learning and believing what God says. These are the ones who fall asleep in church and sing hymns without understanding the meaning. However, the mature believer has been “trained “by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.” The key is, to become skilled in the Word of God by which we define righteousness and “constant practice” by which we gain experience.

How to increase spiritual discernment? 

First, recognize that God is the only one who can increase wisdom; pray for it James 1:5; Philippians 1:9. Knowing the wisdom to distinguish good from evil comes by training and practice, using the Bible to learn the truth and, by meditation on the Word, reinforce the truth.


When the Secret Service hires an employee, they train him to recognize counterfeit bills. You might think the best way to recognize a counterfeit would be to study various counterfeits. The problem is that new counterfeits are being created every day. The best way to recognize a counterfeit is to have an intimate knowledge of the real thing. By studying authentic bills, agents are able to detect counterfeit currency. 

This is what believers must do to develop spiritual discernment. We must know the authentic so well that, when the false appears, we can recognize it. By knowing and obeying the Word of God, we will be “trained by constant practice to distinguish good from evil.” We will know God’s character and will. This is the heart of spiritual discernment – being able to distinguish the voice of the world from the voice of God, to have a sense that “this is right” or “this is wrong.” Spiritual discernment fights off temptation and allows us to “hate what is evil; cling to what is good Romans 12:9

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