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Be on Guard

Jesus and the apostles warned us to be on guard, especially in these last days. We are to guard against false teachers and pretentious believers.

We are in spiritually dangerous times; the bible repeatedly warns us about this generation. Christianity as a whole has not kept watch; no one has been guarding the gate. The enemy has infiltrated churches with hypocrites that have severely affected its teachings and neutered the faith of some. The results are church closures, and many believers thirsting for truth and are spiritually lost. 

Guard your Heart Mind and Soul

Be on guard against greed, idolatry, lies, fornication, and any sin or unclean thing from entering our lives. We must keep watch that we live and walk in righteousness and peace, knowing that Jesus will return soon Mark 13:33

Our enemy knows his time is short. He is going all out to deceive and devour believers, sending them into spiritual blindness. Demonic forces have already severely weakened the christian church, drastically eroding faith in Jesus to where you are hard pressed to hear the name Jesus in public. Is that because of the shame of what others will think? Satan is not losing in accomplishing his goal. 

Now is not the time to feel sorry or lost. This is the time to “be even more diligent to confirm your calling and election” 2 Peter 1:10. This is the time to make certain of your place in the rapture. Peter said, “ if you practice these qualities, you will never fail”, grow in faith, virtue, knowledge, self-control, loyalty, godliness, and  brotherly love. “They will keep you from being ineffective or unfruitful in the knowledge of our Lord Jesus Christ2 Peter 1:4-9.   

Wake Up!

Be watchful as we wait for the blessed hope and glorious appearance of our great God and Savior, Jesus the Messiah Titus 2:13. 

Do not be blinded by the world’s hopes and desires as the unbelievers are. They are in a state of darkness, and are the children of the night; do not be like them. Nor be as the religious folks who indulge themselves with the  pleasures of greed and idolatry and the rudiments of religion. They are careless and thoughtless about the coming of the day of the Lord; and are in a stupid, drowsy, and slumbering frame of mind (soul). They are unconcerned about sins and willingly continue in them remaining unrepentant, refusing to admit or confess their sins. Their pride is their folly and downfall. This is unbecoming the children of light, and of the day. These are not the actions of someone watching and expecting the return of our Lord Jesus Christ. Wake up!

Keep watch, stay calm, be like men who are waiting for their commander to return. When he comes and knocks. Blessed are those soldiers who the commander finds awake and ready…..Know this, that if the master of the house had known at what hour the thief was coming, he would not have left his house to be broken into. You also must be ready, for the Son of Man is coming at an hour you do not expect. 

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