Battle for Your Soul

Are you pressed on all sides by those voices in your head? Those thoughts seem like they’re your own; thoughts you don’t like or want. You tried to get rid of them, but they return. That’s the battle many believers face in these last days. It’s a battle for your soul; the battlefield is your mind. Unlike those in the world, believers have faith in Jesus, our weapon of choice. 

Those voices or thoughts are the source of much of the anxiety, depression, fear, bipolar, manic diseases or whatever label man calls it. God calls it evil, and the source is the devil. Jesus came to destroy the works of the devil and gave that power to those who follow Him (1 John 3:8).

Jesus gave his disciples power over all demonic works (Luke 10:19). He sent the Holy Spirit to live in believers and we too have power over demons. “He who is in us is greater than he who is the world” 1 Joh 4:4. Too many have weak faith and are being led by those who, influenced by the enemy, have corrupted or lack knowledge of the truth. 

Rid yourself of those negative recordings in your head, unless they line up with the word of God, it is a lie. Reject Repent (change your mind, turn away) and replace it with the truth of God. Demonic activity is subtle and relentless, we too must be persistent with faith in the power and word of God. Be strong and courageous, in Jesus Christ. Repeat the 3 “R’s” Reject, Repent, and replace those negative influences and thoughts that are not of God. “In Christ you are more than a conqueror, Rom 8:37.  “You can do all things in Jesus Christ who strengthens you”, Php 4:13.

The Battle is On

Believers are under attack; some think their faith and good works alone will fend off the demonic activity saying “it’s easier to go along to get along” or pretend the Familiar Spirit will go away. That thinking gives the enemy what it needs: denial, blindness, or ignorance. That gives demonic spirits an opportunity for a foothold and they will make it a stronghold. They won’t stop, you must act Jam 4:7. You must always be alert and sober and know, believe and speak the truth of God to defeat evil spirits Eph 4:27. “Light up the darkness” they hate the light of truth. Wake up, don’t be like the lobster in the pot. Who doesn’t realize he is being cooked until the water boils and it is too late.

Battlefield: Your Mind

It’s an ongoing battle, till Jesus returns. There may be lapses between attacks, but Satanic forces are watching, prowling and scheming using situations (home, work, school) people (friends, spouse, enemies) conditions (fatigue, health, fear, worry) even your thoughts against you. Unclean spirits are always looking for opportunities to exploit you and your feelings Jer 17:9. The battleground is the mind, “for as a man thinks in his heart, so is he’’ Pro 23:7; Luke 6:45 

The Holy Spirit in the believer has the power and authority for victory over demons. But many believers get ahead of the Spirit of God thinking they know best saying “I got this”, Satan loves to hear that. The sound of pride. It’s only by listening, believing, and obeying the directions of the Spirit will we have victory. Like the apostles said be on guard, keep watch always, Eph 6:11, 1 Pet 5:8


Mindset Leading to Victory

Paul uses the battlefield analogy to describe how believers fight. He begins by saying even though we are in these bodies; we don’t fight using our flesh. He tells us our weapons are spiritual and powerful in God, capable of defeating the works of our enemy. 

Depression, anxiety, and anxiousness are mind vultures; that steal, oppress, and consume the soul (2 Tim 1:7). They are the product of demonic forces. Believers can defeat those whispering voices Familiar Spirits who always speak lies and half-truths in secret. Darkness hates the light of truth. 

Our weapons are the word of God and the name of Jesus in faith. The word of God is truth and light it is with power. Remember God created with the power of His word. Fill your heart and mind with the words of God. Growth and maturity in the word of God producing an intimate relationship with Jesus. What else could please God the Father more. Delight yourself in Him.

Stop protecting evil that’s not love of or for God who is light, truth, righteousness, and true love. Put to death those spiritually destructive thoughts of worry, insecurity, fear, temptation, envy, and more. Reject, repent, and repeat! Stop and destroy the “Stinking Thinking”. Replace the lies from demons with the truths of God. It’s the truth you know and believe that makes you free (John 8:31,32). It’s a war for the spirit of your mind, a battle for your soul. In some battles, victory may take time and a lot of repetition, which builds up your spiritual character and fortitude, and increases knowledge by experience. Then you can show others how to get victory if they are willing, patient, and courageous.

Replace negative thoughts with the knowledge of Jesus Christ. Replace with faith in the word and power of God Heb 1:3. At the name of Jesus every-being falls into submission, in faith use it Php 2:9,10. The Spirit of God in us is more powerful than any thought, idea or fantasy that enters our mind.  Spiritual Warfare